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. 2021 Aug 16;12:727526. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.727526



Flow cytometry detects RYR1 in freshly isolated LMCs. Scatter plots of LMC suspensions plotted as side scatter (SSC-W) vs. fluorescent signals. Black horizontal lines denote the gate set. Fluorescent signal appearing above gate indicates positive staining. (A) Negative control (Neg) showing background FITC fluorescence of cell population with no antibody staining. Another LMC suspension was used to identify (B, left) the LMC population stained by α-SMA-FITC (red box) and (B, right) the gate set for non-specific staining of Alexa-Fluor 647 conjugated secondary antibody without primary antibodies within the α-SMA-FITC gated region. (C) Positive detection of RYR1 above the Alexa-Fluor 674 gate in LMCs isolated from rat mesenteric LVs. Data representative of five isolations each from male and female rats (n = 10).