In experiment 1, nicotine enhanced measures of goal-tracking elicited by an ethanol-predictive stimulus relative to saline treatment. During the extension of a lever that predicted the non-contingent receipt of ethanol (15% vol/vol), nicotine (A) increased the number of receptacle entries as calculated by the elevation score, (B) increased the probability of making a receptacle entry, and (C) decreased the latency to the first receptacle entry. Conversely, nicotine did not affect (D) the number of lever presses, (E) the probability of contacting the lever, or (F) the latency to the first lever contact. Asterisk (∗) indicates significant Treatment × Session interactions, whereas daggers (†) indicate significant differences on the indicated test sessions. Data reflect the subjects included in the second ANOVA of experiment 1; thus, rats that did not have an affinity for ethanol are excluded and are collapsed across Ethanol Exposure.