EndoA2 suppresses ER stress. (A-B) Western blotting results showed that Ad-EndoA2 inhibited ER stress in the border of ischemic hearts (n=5, ** p <0.01 vs. sham; ## p <0.01 vs. MI+Ad-lacZ). (C-D) Western blotting results showed the expression of GRP-78 and CHOP after transfection of Ad-EndoA2. Densitometric analyses showed that EndoA2 overexpression decreased the expression of GRP-78 and CHOP induced by OGD (n=6, * p <0.05 vs. control, ## p <0.01 vs. OGD). (E-F) Western blotting results showed the expression of GRP-78 and CHOP after transfection of EndoA2 siRNA. Densitometric analyses showed that EndoA2 siRNA knockdown further increased the expression of GRP-78 and CHOP induced by OGD (n=6, * p <0.05 vs. control, ## p <0.01 vs. OGD). (G-H) Western blotting results showed the expression of cleaved caspase-3 after pretreatment with 4-PBA in NRCMs. Densitometric analyses showed that the increased levels of cleaved caspase-3 induced by OGD were reversed by pretreatment with 4-PBA (n=6, ** p <0.01 vs. control, ## p <0.01 vs. OGD).