Overview of search process. The search strategy differed slightly between the databases due to their search convention, however, can be generally summarized by: (brain OR cortex OR cerebral) AND (map OR localization OR localization OR organization OR representation OR reorganization) AND (reprodu* OR repeat* OR valid* OR stab* OR verif* OR *re-test OR reliab* OR variab*) AND (transcranial magnetic stimulation). Reasons for exclusions of record screening included: case studies, poster abstracts, reviews, and commentaries or entries that were not written in English. Reasons for excluding full-text articles were: not studying TMS based motor mapping such as mapping of the visual system, evaluating motor response strength (MEPs) but not geographical map representation, or modeling studies without human experimental validation, mapping studies with different primary outcome measures (for example, latency) than those of interest in this review were also excluded. Additional exclusions are stated. Each database was queried using the criteria outlined on October 1st, 2020; the search included entries indexed on the databases at that time.