Figure 4.
Analysis of LVβ-shα2-mediated knockdown of α2-globin in primary erythroid cells
(A) Erythroid differentiation profile of cells from P1 grown in medium 1 after transduction with BB305, LVβ-shSCR, or LVβ-shα2 at equivalent MOIs. (B) Mean percentages of populations 1 (CD71hi/CD36hi), 2 (CD71hi/CD36med), and 3 (CD71med/CD36lo) in GPA+ cells. (C) Analysis of α/(β+γ)-globin mRNA ratios in CB and P1 cells transduced with the BB305, LVβ-shSCR, and LVβ-shα2 vectors. Results from BB305 and LVβ-shSCR were pooled. (D) VCNs in the samples analyzed in (C). Data are presented as mean +/- SD of three replicates (E) Analysis of α2/α1-globin mRNA ratios in cells from 2 individuals with HbE/β-thalassemia (P1 and P2). For each analyzed sample, ratios were normalized to those measured at the same time point in non-transduced cells. (F) Correlation between α2/β-globin and α1/β-globin mRNA ratios in erythroid cells of P1 (days 11, 14, and 16) and P2 (days 11, 15, 18, and 21).