Umbilical cord erythroferrone is correlated with many iron status indicators and hormones in newborns born to women carrying multiple fetuses and teens carrying singletons1
Whole population | Multiples cohort | Teen cohort | |
Hemoglobin | 0.046 (224) | 0.097 (112) | 0.03 (112) |
SF | −0.277 (288) | −0.468 (126) | −0.01 (162) |
Erythrocyte iron2 | 2.617 (224) | 4.428 (112) | 1.11 (112) |
Storage iron3 | −1.46 (288) | −4.487 (126) | −0.08 (162) |
Transferrin receptor | 1.178 (288) | 0.907 (126) | 1.478 (162) |
TBI4 | 0.01 (219) | 0.026 (111) | 0.00 (108) |
sTfR index5 | 0.948 (288) | 0.798 (126) | 1.158 (162) |
Serum iron | 0.12 (253) | 0.06 (124) | 0.23 (128) |
Erythropoietin | 0.768 (269) | 0.728 (122) | 0.738 (147) |
Hepcidin | −0.438 (283) | −0.488 (125) | −0.21 (158) |
Values are correlation coefficients (n) from regression models where multiples from 1 mother was controlled for by random effect. Models were also controlled for maternal race and cohort. SF, serum ferritin; sTfR, soluble transferrin receptor; TBI, total body iron.
Erythrocyte iron (mg/kg) was calculated as neonatal hemoglobin (g/L) × estimated blood volume (L/kg) × birth weight (kg) × 3.4 (mg/g).
Storage iron (mg/kg) was calculated using the logarithmic relation between SF and body storage iron (62).
TBI was calculated with the following equation: TBI (mg/kg) = −[log(sTfR/SF) − 2.8229] / 0.1207.
sTfR index was calculated as the following: sTfR/log10(SF).
Indicates significant relationship with umbilical cord erythroferrone,P < 0.05.
Indicates significant relationship with umbilical cord erythroferrone,P <0.01.
Indicates significant relationship with umbilical cord erythroferrone,P < 0.001.