Fig. 8.
Effects of isoform-specific overexpression of Dfr in the prothoracic gland. a–f Confocal stacks of prothoracic glands (PGs) carrying GFP-labelled flp-out clones that express different transgenes (control, UAS-dfr-RNAi, UAS-dfr-S, and UAS-dfr-L). Flp recombinase activity was induced by heatshock at L1 stage, which stochastically removed a stop cassette downstream of the Actin promoter in the tissue. Thereby, Actin-Gal4 expression was activated, which directed the expression of the target transgenes within the clone, including marking the clones with GFP. The PGs were stained with anti-, Dfr-S/L (a), Dfr-L (c), or Dib (e). Clones are outlined with yellow dashed lines. a, c Upper panels: anti-Dfr-S/L staining is shown in red, GFP in green, DAPI stains nuclei in blue. Lower panels: Dfr-S/L staining shown in gray. b Quantification of relative fluorescence changes in the clones from panel a. ∆F/ F measures the change of fluorescence intensity between a clone cell and a neighbor cell. d Quantification of relative fluorescence changes in the clones from panel c. e Upper panels: Anti-Dib staining is shown in magenta, GFP in green, DAPI stains nuclei in blue. Lower panels: anti-Dib staining is shown in gray. Scale bars, 25 μM. f Quantification of the relative fluorescence changes in panel e