Table 2.
Key efficacy outcomes at week 16 in the CRP−/MRI+ subgroup by screening SIJ MRI score
Endpoints, % responders (n/M) | Screening SIJ MRI score | Pooled secukinumab 150 mg | Placebo |
ASAS40 | < 2 | 31.7 (26/82) | 30.0 (12/40) |
≥ 2 | 42.5 (31/73) | 32.5 (13/40) | |
ASAS PR | < 2 | 14.6 (12/82) | 7.5 (3/40) |
≥ 2 | 24.7§ (18/73) | 7.5 (3/40) | |
ASDAS-CRP ID | < 2 | 17.1 (14/82) | 15.0 (6/40) |
≥ 2 | 30.1‡ (22/73) | 12.5 (5/40) |
NRI data presented for all variables
The total number of patients in the screening MRI score of < 2 subgroup was 82 (pooled secukinumab 150 mg) and 40 (placebo) and in the screening MRI score ≥ 2 subgroup was 73 (pooled secukinumab 150 mg) and 40 (placebo)
ASAS Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society, ASDAS Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score, CRP C-reactive protein, ID inactive disease, M number of evaluable patients, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, NRI non-responder imputation, PR partial remission, SIJ sacroiliac joint
§P < 0.01, ‡P < 0.05 versus placebo