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. 2021 Aug 16;8:713401. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.713401

Table 1.

Automated CAR T cell production: Publications and clinical trials (14, 53, 54, 5673).

Author (year of publication) Title Device platform Product/ Runs
a) Reviews
Fritsche E. et al. (73) Toward an Optimized Process for Clinical Manufacturing of CAR-Treg Cell Therapy 1. GMP compliant cell sorter
2. Bioreactor
3. CliniMACS Prodigy®
Mizukami A. and Swiech K. (72) Platforms for Clinical-Grade CAR-T Cell Expansion
Book: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells (Chapter 10)
1. Bioreactor
2. CliniMACS Prodigy®
3. Octane Cocoon cell culture system
Smith D. et al. (70) Toward Automated Manufacturing for Cell Therapies 1. Bioreactor
2. CliniMACS Prodigy®
3. Octane Cocoon cell culture system
Smith TA. (71) CAR-T Cell Expansion in a Xuri Cell Expansion System W25
Book: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells
Xuri Cell Expansion System W25
Roddie C. et al. (69) Manufacturing chimeric antigen receptor T cells: issues and challenges 1. Wave Bioreactor
2. G-Rex flask
3. CliniMACS Prodigy®
Moutsatsou P. et al. (55) Automation in cell and gene therapy manufacturing: from past to future 1. CliniMACS Prodigy®
2. Octane Cocoon cell culture system
3. Quantum Cell Expansion (hollow fibers)
Iyer R.K. et al. (74) Industrializing Autologous Adoptive Immunotherapies: Manufacturing Advances and challenges 1. G-Rex static bioreactor
2. Wave-mixed Bioreactors
3. CliniMACS Prodigy®
4. Octane Cocoon cell culture system
5. Quantum Cell Expansion (hollow fibers)
Piscopo N.J. et al. (68) Bioengineering Solutions for Manufacturing Challenges in CAR T Cells 1. Bioreactors
2. CliniMACS Prodigy®
Kaiser A. et al. (67) Toward a commercial process for the manufacture of genetically modified T cells for therapy CliniMACS Prodigy®
b) Paper
Costariol E. et al. (66) Demonstrating the Manufacture of Human CAR-T Cells in an Automated Stirred-Tank Bioreactor Stirred tank bioreactor CD19 CAR-T
Donors (n =3)
Jackson Z. et al. (56) Automated Manufacture of Autologous CD19 CAR-T Cells for Treatment of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma CliniMACS Prodigy® CD19 CAR-T
trial participants (n = 31)
Castella M. et al. (65) Point-Of-Care CAR T-Cell Production (ARI-0001) Using a Closed Semi-automatic Bioreactor: Experience From an Academic Phase I Clinical Trial CliniMACS Prodigy® CD19 CAR-T
trial participants (n = 28)
Fernández L. et al. (64) GMP-Compliant Manufacturing of NKG2D CAR Memory T Cells Using CliniMACS Prodigy CliniMACS Prodigy® NKG2D CAR Memory T Cells
validation runs (n = 4)
Vedvyas Y. et al. (63) Erratum in (2020) Manufacturing and preclinical validation of CAR T cells targeting ICAM-1 for advanced thyroid cancer therapy CliniMACS Prodigy® ICAM-1 CAR-T
preclinical validation (n = 7)
Aleksandrova K. et al. (53) Functionality and Cell Senescence of CD4/CD8-Selected CD20 CAR T Cells Manufactured Using the Automated CliniMACS Prodigy® Platform CliniMACS Prodigy® CD20 CAR-T
establishing runs (n = 6)
Zhang W. et al. (62) Characterization of clinical grade CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells produced using automated CliniMACS Prodigy system CliniMACS Prodigy® CD19 CAR-T
establishing run (n = 1)
Blaeschke F. et al. (52) Induction of a central memory and stem cell memory phenotype in functionally active CD4(+) and CD8(+) CAR T cells produced in an automated good manufacturing practice system for the treatment of CD19(+) acute lymphoblastic leukemia CliniMACS Prodigy® CD19 CAR-T
autologous patients (n = 4)
Zhu F. et al. (61) Closed-system manufacturing of CD19 and dual-targeted CD20/19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells using the CliniMACS Prodigy device at an academic Medical Center CliniMACS Prodigy® CD19 und CD20/CD19 CAR-T
test runs (n = 7)
Lock D. et al. (60) Automated Manufacturing of Potent CD20-Directed Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells for Clinical Use CliniMACS Prodigy® CD20 CAR-T
test runs (n = 15)
Priesner C. et al. (59) Automated Enrichment, Transduction, and Expansion of Clinical-Scale CD62L(+) T Cells for Manufacturing of Gene Therapy Medicinal Products CliniMACS Prodigy® GFP- T
proof of principle
n = 3 (4)
Mock U. et al. (58) Automated manufacturing of chimeric antigen receptor T cells for adoptive immunotherapy using CliniMACS prodigy CliniMACS Prodigy® CD19 CAR-T
test runs (n = 7)
c) Clinical Trials
NCT04196413 GD2.BB.z.iCasp9-CAR T Cells CliniMACS Prodigy® n = 54
NCT03467256 CD19 CAR-T CliniMACS Prodigy® n = 18
NCT04049383 CAR-20/19-T cells CliniMACS Prodigy® n = 24
NCT03144583 CD19 CAR-T CliniMACS Prodigy® n = 28
NCT03434769 CD19 CAR-T CliniMACS Prodigy® n = 31
NCT03893019 CD20 CAR-T CliniMACS Prodigy® n = 15
Unknown CD19 CAR-T Cocoon® Platform n = 1