LecRK-VIII.2 coordinates silique number, seed size, and seed number to determine seed yield. A, LecRK-VIII.2 gene structure. Black box represents the exon and white boxes represent the 5′- and 3′-untranslated regions, and lines indicate intergenic regions. The T-DNA insertions sites of the lecrk-VIII.2-1 and lecrk-VIII.2-2 mutants are shown. The arrows of P1/P2 and P3/P4 show the positions of primers. The LecRK-VIII.2 protein contains a signal peptide (SP), legume lectin domain, transmembrane (TM), and serine/threonine protein kinase domain. B, Genotyping T-DNA insertion events in the lecrk-VIII.2-1 and lecrk-VIII.2-2 mutants by PCR. The band from the primers T/R means the T-DNA insertion in LecRK-VIII.2. The primers (lecrk-VIII.2-F/R/T) are listed in Supplemental Table S1. C, Relative expression level of LecRK-VIII.2 in 7-d-old seedlings of WT, lecrk-VIII.2-1, lecrk-VIII.2-2, and OE7. The values are based on three biological replicates. The primers (LecRK-VIII.2-qF/R-(P1/2)) are shown in Supplemental Table S1. D, Mature seeds of WT, lecrk-VIII.2-1, lecrk-VIII.2-2, and OE7, bar = 500 μm. E, Seed length, width and length/width ratio of WT, lecrk-VIII.2-1, lecrk-VIII.2-2, and OE7 are shown after being normalized to the mean value of WT. Values are means ± SE (n > 500 seeds) relative to the WT value that is set at 1. F, 100-grain weight of WT, lecrk-VIII.2-1, lecrk-VIII.2-2, and OE7. G, 90-d-old plants of WT, lecrk-VIII.2-1, lecrk-VIII.2-2, and OE7, bar = 10 cm. H–J, Number of seeds per silique, number of siliques per plant, and total seed weight per plant of WT, lecrk-VIII.2-1, lecrk-VIII.2-2, and OE7. Values are means ± SE (E, n > 500; F, n > 500 * 5 seeds; H, n > 30 siliques; I, n = 12 plants; J, n = 12 plants). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with the WT, NS means no significance (Student’s t test).