LecRK-VIII.2 acts upstream of MPK6 to control yield-related traits. A, WT-like mature seeds of WT, lecrk-VIII.2-2, OE7, mpk6-2, lecrk-VIII.2-2 mpk6-2, and OE7 mpk6-2, bar = 500 μm. B, Relative seed length and width of the mutants to WT. Values are means ± SE (n > 500 seeds) relative to the WT value that is set at 1. C, The number of siliques per plant of WT, lecrk-VIII.2-2, OE7, mpk6-2, lecrk-VIII.2-2 mpk6-2, and OE7 mpk6-2. The number of siliques was counted every 5 d, starting from the bolting of the mpk6-2 mutant (the earliest flowering line among analyzed plants) to the 82nd d. Values are means ± SE (n = 12 plants). D, Total seed yield per plant of WT, lecrk-VIII.2-2, OE7, mpk6-2, lecrk-VIII.2-2 mpk6-2, and OE7 mpk6-2. Values are means ± SE (n = 12 plants). E and F, Phosphorylation level of MPK3 and MPK6 in developing seeds (∼10 DAF) of WT, lecrk-VIII.2-1, lecrk-VIII.2-2, OE7, mpk3-1, and mpk6-2. Values are means ± SE (n = three biological replicates) relative to the WT value that is set at 1. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with the WT, NS means no significance (Student’s t test).