Figure 2: Luminometer assays of circadian rhythms in NPC and neurons.
(A-C) Representative traces of Per2-luc rhythms measured by luminometer in plates of NPCs from (A) controls (B) lithium responders (Li-R), and (C) lithium non-responders (Li-NR). Yellow indicates raw counts, red indicates best fit line. (D) Normalized rhythm amplitudes (with units corrected for brightness) were similar in control and Li-R cells, but significantly lower in NPCs from Li-NR (one-way ANOVA p<0.005, * indicates Li-NR lower in post-hoc test). (E) Li-R NPCs had shorter rhythm periods compared to controls and Li-NR (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.004). (F) Rhythm damping was faster in NPCs from Li-NR (one-way ANOVA p<0.005, * indicates Li-NR lower in post-hoc test). (G-I) Representative traces of Per2-luc rhythms in neurons from (G) control, (H) Li-R and (I) Li-NR. Yellow indicates raw counts, red indicates best fit line. (J) Normalized amplitude was significantly lower in neurons from Li-NR vs. control and Li-R (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.005). (K) No significant difference was observed in rhythm period in neurons from control, Li-R and Li-NR donors. (L) Rhythm damping (expressed as damping constant) was faster in neurons from Li-NR (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.05). NPC data reflect the results of n=4 control, 2 Li-R, and 3 Li-NR cell lines, recorded in triplicate, repeated in three separate experimental trials. Neuron data reflect the means of n=3 controls, 2 Li-R, and 3 Li-NR cell lines, recorded in triplicate, repeated across five separate experimental trials. Statistically significant differences p<0.05 are indicated by *. Error bars indicates standard error of the mean (SEM).