Figure 3. E2F1 regulates metabolic gene expression after RB depletion in advanced disease.
(A) Genes with a TSS within 30 kb of an E2F1 binding site in the C4-2-shRB model were identified. These putative E2F1 targets were compared to transcripts upregulated in CRPC after RB1 depletion to identify genes with altered E2F1 binding and inversely regulated gene expression after RB knockdown in the C4-2 model. GSEA KEGG pathway analysis (MSigDB) of these genes identified 27% being of pathways were metabolic. (B) Validation of increased mRNA expression of select metabolic genes after RB knockdown in C4-2 and LN95 (CRPC models) after 72 hours of androgen deprivation and 16 hours of 10 nM DHT treatment and MCF7 (invasive breast cancer model) in FBS. (C) Validation of E2F1 binding at select metabolic gene promoters after 72 hours of androgen deprivation and 3 hours of 10 nM DHT treatment. *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001; ****, p<0.0001.