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. 2021 Jul 20;10(17):5897–5906. doi: 10.1002/cam4.4139


Summary of selected clinical reports of stereotactic magnetic resonance adaptive radiation therapy (SMART) for tumors in the abdomen and pelvis

Study Median f/u (months) Patients Treatment site Treatment regimen Median BED10 Local control Overall survival Severe acute toxicity Severe late toxicity
Rosenberg et al.42 21.2 26 Liver 50Gy (range 30–60) in 5 fx (range 6–12) 100 80.4% (at median f/u) 1 year 69%, 2 year 60% NA 7.7% (at median f/u)
Henke et al.18 15 20 Various abdominal sites 50Gy (range 50–60) in 5 fx (range 4–5) 100 90% (at median f/u) 1 year 75% 0% 0%
Luterstein et al.43 15.8 17 Hepatobiliary 40Gy (40–50) in 5 fx (range 3–5) 72 1 year 85.6%, 2 year 73.3% 1 year 76%, 2 year 46.1% 6% 0%
Bruynzeel et al.22 1.5 101 Prostate (localized) 36.25Gy in 5 fx 62.5 NA NA GU: 5.9% GI: 0% NA

Abbreviations: f/u, follow‐up; Fx, fraction; GI, gastrointestinal; GU, genitourinary; NA, not available.

Severe defined as CTCAE grade three or higher.