Peptidomic comparison of islets from DIO mice and to lean
Body weights (a) and fasting blood glucose levels (b) of DIO mice
vs lean controls. (c–e) Volcano plots displaying log2 fold
change vs −log10 of the adjusted p value for each peptide.
Horizontal dotted line indicates significance threshold of p = 0.05. A positive log2 fold change indicates an increase
in DIO mice. 718 t tests were performed to analyze
for significant differences in peptides matched between the groups
with a permeation-based method used to adjust for multiple comparisons.
In (d,e), peptides from different prohormones are colored in each
plot: IAPP and INS derived peptides in (d). GLUC, SMS, PPY, and PYY
derived peptides in (e). (f) Peak area of processed insulin-1 and
-2 chains in addition to proinsulin-1 and -2. Statistical comparison
made using unpaired t test without adjustments for
multiple comparisons. *p < 0.05. n = 7 for control group and n = 8 for DIO group.