Peptidomic comparison of human islets from type 2 diabetic individuals
compared to nondiabetic controls. (a) Volcano plot displaying log2
fold change vs −log10 of the adjusted p value
for each peptide. Horizontal dotted lines indicates p = 0.15. A positive log2 fold change indicates an increase in T2DM.
(b,c) Volcano plots displaying in different colors individual peptides
derived from proIAPP, proinsulin, and proglucagon (b), and from prosomatostatin,
proPPY, and proVGF (c). (d,e) Manually quantified peak areas of processed
insulin chains and proinsulin (d), and products of proglucagon processing
(e). (f) Ratio of peak area of glucagon:GLP-1(7–36amide) in
all samples. Statistical comparison made using unpaired t test without adjustments for multiple comparisons. *p < 0.05. For a–f, n = 9 for the control
group and n = 7 for T2DM group. Donors were excluded
from the analysis if the samples failed to load properly onto the
SPE sorbent. (g,h) Plasma des-31,32 proinsulin (g) and proinsulin
(h) plotted against insulin for control (gray) and T2DM (black) subjects
in the fasting state (circles), and 30 min (squares) or 90 min (triangles)
after a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test. Values represent peak area
ratios. (i,j) Ratios of data shown in (g,h). *p <
0.05 between controls and T2DM by 2-way ANOVA.