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. 2021 Sep 6;18:194. doi: 10.1186/s12974-021-02240-w

Table 2.

Changes in gene expression in adult microglia exposed to TLR agonists for 10 h relative to unexposed adult microglia in medium alone

Gene LPS (n = 3) IMQ (n = 3) CpG-ODN 1585 (n = 3)
FC P value FC P value FC P value
Ccl1 − 1.7 3.0E-01 − 4.6 7.3E-03 − 4.4 1.6E-02
Ccl11 − 1.2 8.5E-01 − 5.3 1.8E-02 − 5.2 3.1E-02
Ccl12 13.0 4.5E-03 − 2.0 2.4E-01 1.2 7.6E-01
Ccl17 76.1 6.8E-03 25.4 9.6E-04 4.7 3.6E-02
Ccl2 85.9 1.4E-04 2.6 7.3E-03 − 2.0 2.2E-01
Ccl20 330.2 3.5E-05 15.7 2.0E-03 − 3.3 2.1E-02
Ccl22 7.8 6.6E-02 1.6 6.3E-01 1.3 8.0E-01
Ccl24 − 2.0 1.9E-01 − 4.2 1.2E-02 − 3.6 2.9E-02
Ccl3 155.5 3.9E-04 22.2 4.1E-03 − 1.5 2.9E-01
Ccl4 48.8 1.7E-03 4.4 4.7E-02 − 1.6 2.7E-01
Ccl5 1671.6 6.9E-05 127.7 2.9E-04 − 1.3 7.9E-01
Ccl7 58.0 9.0E-04 2.7 1.7E-01 − 1.0 9.8E-01
Ccl8 4.3 1.2E-01 -1.2 8.1E-01 − 3.3 2.1E-02
Ccl9 24.3 1.2E-02 13.7 1.9E-02 − 1.1 8.8E-01
Ccr1 2.7 2.3E-02 1.6 2.6E-01 1.4 4.9E-01
Ccr10 − 2.3 1.0E-04 − 3.5 7.3E-03 − 3.3 2.1E-02
Ccr2 − 1.3 7.1E-01 − 1.6 5.7E-01 − 3.3 2.1E-02
Ccr4 − 2.0 3.6E-01 − 5.1 2.9E-02 − 3.3 7.9E-02
Ccr5 − 2.5 9.1E-02 − 4.5 7.1E-03 1.2 5.9E-01
Ccr6 − 1.2 8.3E-01 − 3.8 7.1E-03 − 3.2 1.2E-02
Ccr8 − 2.3 1.0E-04 − 3.5 7.3E-03 − 3.3 2.1E-02
Cd40lg − 2.7 2.0E-03 − 3.9 7.7E-03 − 3.8 1.9E-02
Csf2 211.5 1.1E-03 8.9 6.8E-02 − 1.0 9.7E-01
Csf3 13,079.3 3.0E-05 553.8 1.8E-06 − 1.8 4.2E-01
Cxcl1 1,668.9 9.1E-06 160.9 1.2E-05 − 1.9 2.2E-01
Cxcl10 2,193.5 7.7E-05 10.7 3.4E-02 − 19.3 3.6E-02
Cxcl13 − 2.9 9.8E-03 − 4.4 1.2E-02 − 4.2 2.3E-02
Cxcl15 − 2.4 1.7E-01 − 6.1 3.3E-02 − 6.9 1.9E-02
Cxcl5 30.3 4.7E-05 2.1 1.4E-01 1.1 9.1E-01
Cxcl9 − 2.1 4.9E-03 − 3.5 7.3E-03 − 3.3 2.1E-02
Cxcr2 − 3.6 9.8E-02 − 6.0 4.8E-02 − 2.1 5.4E-01
Cxcr5 1.0 9.8E-01 − 9.6 2.1E-02 − 4.3 1.8E-01
Fasl − 2.3 1.0E-04 − 3.5 7.3E-03 − 3.3 2.1E-02
Ifng 11.0 4.0E-02 1.2 8.7E-01 − 6.1 6.7E-02
Il11 7.2 3.3E-02 1.8 6.1E-01 − 1.7 6.5E-01
Il13 31.4 6.4E-04 − 1.3 8.2E-01 − 3.3 2.1E-02
Il15 16.1 3.1E-03 − 2.1 9.7E-02 − 1.8 1.5E-01
Il17a − 2.2 1.8E-03 − 3.5 7.3E-03 − 3.4 2.1E-02
Il17b − 1.8 7.1E-01 − 5.9 1.3E-01 − 9.6 3.0E-02
Il17f − 1.5 1.4E-01 1.2 8.9E-01 − 3.3 1.9E-02
Il1a 595.2 2.9E-05 34.2 7.2E-05 − 1.4 3.9E-01
Il1b 5258.1 1.9E-05 248.9 1.1E-04 − 1.3 7.1E-01
Il1rn 52.8 9.3E-04 6.3 1.4E-02 − 1.5 2.7E-01
Il21 − 4.0 5.0E-02 − 6.0 3.3E-02 − 5.7 4.3E-02
Il27 1463.6 4.7E-06 5.8 3.6E-02 1.3 8.6E-01
Il2rb − 1.4 6.2E-01 − 3.5 7.3E-03 − 3.3 2.1E-02
Il33 2.0 4.3E-01 − 3.5 7.3E-03 − 3.3 2.1E-02
Il4 − 1.7 1.8E-01 − 1.6 3.5E-01 − 3.3 2.1E-02
Il5 − 2.0 5.2E-01 − 6.7 5.4E-02 − 10.6 2.9E-02
Il5ra − 2.2 2.5E-04 − 3.5 7.3E-03 − 1.8 1.6E-03
Nampt 4.6 1.1E-01 1.2 8.3E-01 − 4.8 2.7E-02
Spp1 − 3.7 3.6E-02 − 2.6 3.6E-01 − 3.2 1.1E-01
Tnf 3.5 5.5E-04 1.7 2.5E-02 − 1.0 6.7E-01
Tnfsf11 − 2.2 1.8E-02 − 3.1 1.0E-03 − 1.3 1.0E-01
Tnfsf4 89.9 1.0E-03 19.0 2.7E-03 1.5 4.0E-01

n is the number of independent microglia RNA samples tested. Fold change (FC) relative to unexposed adult microglia. P values are calculated using the student t-test on the Delta CT. Bolded values reached our criteria of statistical significance where the FC is greater or less than 2-fold with a P value ≤ 5.0E-02