Figure 5.
Efficacy of TRES6 and TRES328 in a postexposure prophylactic model. Reduction of viral load in hACE2‐transgenic mice treated with TRES6, TRES328, or TRES480 isotype control antibody. Mice were inoculated intranasally with 300 FFU of SARS‐CoV‐2 on day 0. One day later, mice were treated intravenously with 5.25 mg/kg TRES6, TRES328, or TRES480 control antibody. Viral loads were determined on day 4 (A) or day 10 (B) after virus inoculation by RT‐qPCR in the indicated organ samples. Data points represent the viral copy number of individual animals with the geometric means of each group depicted as lines, circles (●) indicate the survival of 4‐ or 10‐day post‐infection, and triangles indicate euthanized mice according to humane endpoints at day 6 (▲) or day 8 (▼). Calculated reduction of viral RNA is shown in comparison to the TRES480 control group. (C) Infectious virus load in BAL samples from antibody and isotype‐treated mice. Infectious virus was measured by focus‐forming assay. (D) Bodyweight and (E) clinical score of antibody‐ and isotype‐treated mice. Animals reaching humane endpoints were euthanized and are marked by a cross (†). (F) Survival curve of antibody‐treated and isotype control antibody‐treated animals. Percent survival as the fraction of animals surviving humane endpoints (Kaplan–Meier analysis). The experiment was performed once. Statistical analysis of the presented data was performed by Kruskal–Wallis test (one‐way ANOVA) and Dunn´s Pairwise Multiple Comparison Procedures as post‐hoc test in comparison to the TRES‐480 control (ns: nonsignificant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001).