FIG. 3.
Transcription of the e(y)1/TAFII40 gene at different stages of development of D. melanogaster. (A) Northern blot hybridization of a fragment of e(y)1/TAFII40 cDNA (Fig. 2A) with mRNA from the Oregon R strain. Samples are from adult females (lane 1) and males (lane 2); late (lane 3), middle (lane 4), and early (lane 5) pupae; late third (lane 6)-, early third (lane 7)-, second (lane 8)-, and first (lane 9)-instar larvae; and embryos (lane 10). (B) The same blot, hybridized with the Ras2 probe. (C) Relative level of e(y)1/TAFII40 transcription. Signals were normalized according to the results of Ras2 hybridization. The level of e(y)1 transcription in males was taken as 1.