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. 2021 Aug 23;12:724331. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.724331

Table 1.

Patient baseline characteristics in relation to FCGR3A-V/F158 genotype.

Characteristic All Patients F/F158 V/F158 V/V158 P value
(n = 1,940) (n = 799) (n = 884) (n = 257)
Female recipient sex, n (%) 762 (39) 292 (37) 358 (40) 110 (43) 0.11
Recipient age, mean ± SD (years) 46.8 ± 13.7 46.8 ± 13.6 46.3 ± 13.8 48.9 ± 13.3 0.021
Geographic origin, n (%) 0.57
 Europe 1,729 (89) 706 (88) 795 (90) 228 (89)
 Northern America 211 (11) 93 (12) 89 (10) 29 (11)
First renal allograft, n (%) 1,681 (87) 704 (88) 758 (86) 219 (85) 0.28
Underlying renal disease, n (%) 0.78
 Glomerulonephritis 626 (32) 253 (32) 282 (32) 91 (35)
 Polycystic kidneys 241 (12) 94 (12) 114 (13) 34 (13)
 Diabetes mellitus 174 (9) 78 (10) 74 (8) 22 (9)
 Other 899 (46) 374 (47) 414 (47) 110 (43)
Donor sex, n (%) 0.50
 Female 768 (40) 308 (39) 350 (40) 110 (43)
 Male 1,169 (60) 488 (61) 534 (60) 147 (57)
Donor age, mean ± SD (years) 40.4 ± 16.7 39.9 ± 16.7 40.7 ± 16.6 41.2 ± 16.8 0.58
Cold ischemia time, mean ± SD (hours) 20.3 ± 8.0 20.2 ± 7.8 20.3 ± 8.1 20.4 ± 8.5 0.78
HLA A+B+DR mismatches, n (%) 0.87
 0 – 1 227 (12) 98 (12) 103 (12) 26 (10)
 2 – 4 1,440 (74) 585 (73) 659 (75) 196 (76)
 5 – 6 273 (14) 116 (15) 122 (14) 35 (14)
Panel-reactive antibodies, n (%) 0.23
 = 0% 1,370 (76) 581 (78) 608 (74) 181 (75)
 > 0% 438 (24) 166 (22) 213 (26) 59 (25)
Initial immunosuppression, n (%) 0.55
 Cyclosporine A 1,540 (79) 638 (80) 707 (80) 195 (76)
 Tacrolimus 304 (16) 126 (16) 131 (15) 47 (18)
 No calcineurin inhibitor 96 (5) 35 (4) 46 (5) 15 (6)
 Azathioprine 903 (47) 379 (47) 417 (47) 107 (42) 0.44
 Mycophenolic acid 648 (33) 256 (32) 299 (34) 93 (36)
 No antimetabolite agent 389 (20) 164 (21) 168 (19) 57 (22)
Induction therapy, n (%) 0.45
 IL-2R antibody 161 (8) 65 (9) 69 (8) 27 (11)
 Depleting anti-lymphocyte agent 499 (26) 164 (22) 201 (24) 54 (22)
 Without 1,252 (65) 533 (70) 559 (67) 160 (66)

F, phenylalanine; V, valine; SD, standard deviation; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; IL-2R, interleukin 2 receptor.