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. 2021 Jun 10;30(6):807–815. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2020.8728

Table 1.

Definitions and Sources of All Measures and Factors Used in Analyses of Geographic Disparities in Late-Stage Breast Cancer Diagnosis Rates

Variable Date of data Source
Proportion regional: proportion of BC cases diagnosed at regional stage 2004–2014 Developed by L.R.M. from the United States Cancer Statistics Database,
Proportion distant: proportion of BC cases diagnosed at distant stage
Proportion AI/AN: proportion of BC cases from AI/AN
Proportion API: proportion of BC cases from API
Proportion Black proportion of BC cases from non-Hispanic African Americans
Proportion Hispanic: proportion of BC cases from Hispanic Americans
Proportion other: proportion of BC cases from all other races or ethnicities
Proportion White: proportion of BC cases from non-Hispanic White Americans
Diversity Index: Theil Index of residential diversity among all U.S. population 2000, 5-year aggregate 2007–2011 Developed by L.R.M. from the United States Decennial Census and American Community Survey,
% Graduate/professional: percent of U.S. population with an advanced degree
% No high school or equivalent: percent of U.S. population with low education
(GINI) index of income disparity: calculated by U.S. Census on U.S. population
Isolation index American Indian: based on isolation index defined in literature
Isolation index Asian: based on isolation index defined in literature
Isolation Index African American: based on isolation index defined in literature
Isolation index Hispanic: based on isolation index defined in literature
Isolation index Pacific Islander: based on isolation index defined in literature
Isolation index non-Hispanic White: based on isolation index defined in literature
Proportion poor or no English language: proportion who do not speak English well
% Unemployed: percent of U.S. population unemployed
% Uninsured aged 40–64: percent of U.S. population 40–64 years of age no health insurance
% Uninsured: percent of U.S. population with no health insurance
2006, 2012 Developed by L.R.M. from SAHIE Program,
Mammography facilities per 1,000: number of licensed mammography units per 1,000 women 25–79 years of age 2000–2005; 2005–2010 Developed from proprietary United States Food and Drug Administration data by Dr. Jan Eberth,
Proportion managed care penetration, calculated as the number of enrollees/number of eligible 2005, 2011 Developed by L.R.M. from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Geographic Service Area files,
Persistent poverty: proportion of counties that have been persistently poor for two decades 2000, 5-year aggregate 2007–2011 Developed by L.R.M. from United States Decennial Census and American Community Survey,
% Poor Black rural: percent of U.S. population who are poor, Black, and living rural
% Poor Black urban: percent of U.S. population who are poor, Black, and living urban
% Poor Hispanic rural: percent of U.S. population who are poor, Hispanic, and rural
% Poor Hispanic urban: percent of U.S. population who are poor, Hispanic, and urban
% Poor White rural: percent of U.S. population who are poor, non-Hispanic White, and rural
% Poor White urban: percent of U.S. population who are poor, non-Hispanic White, urban
Proportion population in poverty: percent of U.S. population who are poor
Proportion vacant housing: percent of U.S. housing stock that is vacant
Proportion heat with wood fire: percent of U.S. housing stock that is heated by wood
Proportion living crowded: percent of U.S. population who live in crowded quarters
Proportion no plumbing: percent of U.S. housing stock that has no indoor plumbing
Emphasis farming: proportion counties with main economic emphasis being farming 2004, 2014 Developed by L.R.M. from United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service data County Typology Codes,
Emphasis low education: proportion counties with high proportions of low educated people
Emphasis manufacturing: proportion counties with main economic emphasis being manufacturing
Emphasis mining: proportion counties with main economic emphasis being mining
Emphasis population loss: proportion counties that consistently lose population to outmigration

BC, breast cancer; AI, American Indians; AN, Alaskan Natives; API, Asians/Pacific Islander; SAHIE, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates.