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. 2021 Sep 4;2021:1250129. doi: 10.1155/2021/1250129

Table 1.

Model parameter values and source.

Parameter Description Value Reference
Π Recruitment rate of individuals into the population 1000059×365 [26, 38]
p Proportion of recruited individuals who are vaccinated 0.0001 Assumed
v Vaccination rate 0.4 Assumed
ω A Reduction in the transmission from asymptomatic 0.3 [39]
ω I Increase in the transmission from symptomatic 1.8 Assumed
ω H Reduction in the transmission from hospitalized 0.3 Assumed
μ Natural death rate 159×365 [26, 38]
δ Disease-induced death rate 0.018 [40, 41]
ε Infection reduction of vaccinated individuals 0.8 Assumed
σ Exit rate from the exposed class 0.13 [9]
γ Exit rate from the infectious class 0.0833 [41]
κ Proportion of infectious who recover naturally 0.05 [42]
ψ Fraction of exposed who become infected 0.7 [39]
b Effective contact rate 1.12 [41]
τ Recovery rate of hospitalized individuals 0.0701 [40]
ϕ Proportion of asymptomatic who recover naturally 0.14 [9]
λ Exit rate from the asymptomatic class 0.13978 [39, 41]
η Rate at which individuals lose immunity 0.011 [19]