Fig. 2. eOD-GT8-60mer-sorted VRC01-class naive B cells.
B cells from healthy donor PBMCs were stained with eOD-GT8-60mer probes directly conjugated with fluorophores and sorted for IgGneg/eOD-GT8-60mer++ eOD-GT8KO-60merneg B cells, followed by BCR sequencing. a–d Flow cytometry of sorted cells in donor 4 (a), donor 5 (b), donor 6 (c), and donor 7 (d). e–h IGHV gene usage distribution of paired IgGneg/eOD-GT8-60mer++ eOD-GT8KO-60merneg B cells from donor 4 (e), donor 5 (f), donor 6 (g), and donor 7 (h). Bars corresponding to IGHV1-2 genes are colored in red. i Isotype distribution of LCs coexpressed with IGHV1-2. j LCDR3 lengths of IGKV LCs coexpressed with IGHV1-2. k As in h, but for IGLV LCs. l LCDR3 sequences of naive 5-AA IGKV LCs. m IGKV and IGLV usage distribution among eOD-GT8-60mer++ eOD-GT8KO-60merneg, and 5-AA LCDR3 VRC01-class naive B cells. Text color coding is as in Fig. 1k. IGKV3-11 indicated by an asterisk has not been directly observed in VRC01-class bnAbs, although the LC of VRC01 was originally annotated as IGKV3-1137 due to its high similarity to IGKV3-20. n IOMA-class B cells sorted with eOD-GT8-60mer probes.