Fig. 4.
Representative images for the primary tumor of two women diagnosed with locally advanced breast cancer with future tumor recurrence (top) or tumor non-recurrence (bottom). a Representative slice from an early frame at less than 5 min after tracer injection, (b) representative slice from middle frame at 15 min after tracer injection, and c representative slice from final frame taken at 60 min after tracer injection of a 57-year old, post-menopausal woman with a high grade-, ER−, PR+, HER2− tumor who had disease recurrence upon follow-up (top). d Three sub-regions identified using Rad-FIT clustering labeled as region 1 (red), 2 (blue), and 3 (green), and e average TACs for each identified sub-region. f A representative slice from an early frame at less than 5 min after tracer injection, g slice from middle frame at 15 min after tracer injection, and h representative slice from final frame taken at 60 min after tracer injection of a 36-year old, pre-menopausal woman with a high-grade, ER+, PR−, HER2− tumor with no disease recurrence (bottom). i Three sub-regions with distinct 4-D behavior identified using Rad-FIT clustering labeled as region 1 (red), 2 (blue), and 3 (green), and j average time activity curves for each identified sub-region