Fig. 2.
PCR amplification products of MBL genes from NFGNB isolates. (A) PCR amplification of blaVIM-1 gene. Lane 1, DNA marker (100 bp); Lane 2 and 3, Clinical isolates positive for blaVIM-1 (390 bp); Lane 4, Negative control. (B) PCR amplification of blaIMP-1 gene. Lane 1, DNA marker (100 bp); Lane 2 and 3, Clinical isolates positive for blaIMP-1 (232 bp); Lane 4, Negative control. (C) PCR amplification of blaNDM gene. Lane 1, DNA marker (100 bp); Lane 2 and 3, Positive control isolates for blaNDM (621 bp); Lane 4, Negative control.
MBL: Metallo-beta-lactamase, NFGNB: Non-fermentative gram-negative bacilli.