Localization of Shank3 IR in subregions of the basal ganglia and diencephalon. Panel (A) is a micrograph of the immunolabeled section passing the insula (Ins), striatum and thalamus, with framed areas enlarged as (B–M). Shank3 IR in the putamen (Pu) displays a patching pattern, with strong labeling occurred in local areas separated by areas with much lighter staining. The former areas contain greater neuropil reactivity than the latter, whereas large-sized multipolar neurons are present in both areas (B–D). Shank3 IR in the globus pallidus (GP) is much lower relative to the Pu and comparable between its external (GPe) and internal (GPe) subdivisions, both containing lightly stained neuropil and neuronal perikarya (E–G). In the thalamus, the overall intensity of Shank3 IR is greater in the medial than the lateral regions (A). The labeling occurs in the neuropil as well as neuronal somata (H–M). No Shank3 IR is present in the white matter (WM), neural tracts or fiber bundles. AV, anterior ventral thalamic nucleus; AM, anterior medial thalamic nucleus; MD, mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus; VA, ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus; VApr, parvocellular division of VA; VAmc, magnocellular division of VA; PaV, paraventricular thalamic nuclei; VM, ventromedial thalamic nucleus; DHA, dorsal hypothalamic area; PHN, posterior hypothalamic nucleus; Cla, claustrum; EC, external capsule; IC, internal capsule; Cpd, cerebral peduncle; OT, optic tract; 3V, third ventricle. Scale bars are as indicated in each panel.