. 2021 Aug 24;4:649917. doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.649917
Copyright © 2021 Acciarri, Adams, Andreopoulos, Asaadi, Babicz, Backhouse, Badgett, Bagby, Barker, Basque, Bazetto, Betancourt, Bhanderi, Bhat, Bonifazi, Brailsford, Brandt, Brooks, Carneiro, Chen, Chen, Chisnall, Crespo-Anadón, Cristaldo, Cuesta, de Icaza Astiz, De Roeck, de Sá Pereira, Del Tutto, Di Benedetto, Ereditato, Evans, Ezeribe, Fitzpatrick, Fleming, Foreman, Franco, Furic, Furmanski, Gao, Garcia-Gamez, Frandini, Ge, Gil-Botella, Gollapinni, Goodwin, Green, Griffith, Guenette, Guzowski, Ham, Henzerling, Holin, Howard, Jones, Kalra, Karagiorgi, Kashur, Ketchum, Kim, Kudryavtsev, Larkin, Lay, Lepetic, Littlejohn, Louis, Machado, Malek, Mardsen, Mariani, Marinho, Mastbaum, Mavrokoridis, McConkey, Meddage, Méndez, Mettler, Mistry, Mogan, Molina, Mooney, Mora, Moura, Mousseau, Navrer-Agasson, Nicolas-Arnaldos, Nowak, Palamara, Pandey, Pater, Paulucci, Pimentel, Psihas, Putnam, Qian, Raguzin, Ray, Reggiani-Guzzo, Rivera, Roda, Ross-Lonergan, Scanavini, Scarff, Schmitz, Schukraft, Segreto, Soares Nunes, Soderberg, Söldner-Rembold, Spitz, Spooner, Stancari, Stenico, Szelc, Tang, Tena Vidal, Torretta, Toups, Touramanis, Tripathi, Tufanli, Tyley, Valdiviesso, Worcester, Worcester, Yarbrough, Yu, Zamorano, Zennamo and Zglam.
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Figure 5.
The labels for the images in Figure 4 in the dataset at full resolution. White pixels are background, gray pixels are associated with cosmic particles, and red pixels are associated with a neutrino interaction. Plane 2 shows a case of overlap between cosmic and neutrino pixels.