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. 2021 Aug;9(16):1288. doi: 10.21037/atm-21-2150

Table 1. Patient characteristics at baseline (N=735).

Patient characteristics No. of patients (%)
   Median (range), year 45 (26–86)
Menopausal status
   Premenopausal 555 (75.5)
   Postmenopausal 180 (24.5)
Tumor laterality
   Left 371 (50.5)
   Right 363 (49.4)
   Bilateral 1 (0.1)
Modified N stage
   N0 290 (39.5)
   N+ 445 (60.5)
Modified stage
   I (IA/IB) 193 (26.2)
   II (IIA/IIB) 332 (45.2)
   III (IIIA/IIIB/IIIC) 210 (28.6)
Immunohistochemistry subgroup
   HR+/HER2− 436 (59.3)
   HER2+/HR− 77 (10.5)
   HER2+/HR+ 108 (14.7)
   HR−/HER2− 114 (15.5)
Surgical approaches
   Breast conserving therapy (BCT) 373 (50.7)
   Mastectomy 362 (49.3)
   Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) 265 (36.1)
   Axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) 470 (63.9)
Chemotherapy strategy
   None 69 (9.4)
   Neoadjuvant 131 (17.8)
   Adjuvant 513 (69.8)
   Neoadjuvant + adjuvant 22 (3.0)
Chemotherapy regimens
   None 69 (9.4)
   Anthracycline 17 (2.3)
   Taxane 183 (24.9)
   Anthracycline + taxane 464 (63.1)
   Others 2 (0.3)
Anti-HER2 therapy
   None 556 (75.6)
   Yes 179 (24.4)
Endocrine therapy
   None 186 (25.3)
   Yes 549 (74.7)
Radiotherapy technique
   RapidArc 123 (16.7)
   2D-fields 277 (37.7)
   3DCRT 335 (45.6)
RT fields
   Tangential breast only 277 (37.7)
   Breast/chest wall + SCF 322 (43.8)
   Breast/chest wall + SCF + IMN 123 (16.7)
   Breast/chest wall + SCF + Axillary 13 (1.8)
RT dose and fractions
   40.5 Gy/15 fx 665 (90.5)
   50 Gy/25 fx 61 (8.3)
   50–60 Gy/25 fx 9 (1.2)
Use of RPM
   None 721 (98.1)
   Yes 14 (1.9)
Treatment volume (95% CI), cc 1,690.8 (1,652.2, 1,729.4)
Mean heart dose (95% CI), Gy 2.4 (2.2–2.5)
Integral dose of the total body (95% CI), Gy 4.4 (4.3–4.5)
Mean dose of ipsilateral lung (95% CI), Gy 10.1 (9.8–10.3)
Mean dose of bilateral lungs (95% CI), Gy 5.5 (5.3–5.6)

Modified N stage: the higher N stage between clinic N stage and yp N stage for patients who had received neoadjuvant chemotherapy; modified stage: the higher stage between clinic stage and yp stage for patients who had received neoadjuvant chemotherapy. RT, radiotherapy; N, lymph nodes; BCT, breast-conserving therapy; SLNB, sentinel lymph node biopsy; ALND, axillary lymph node dissection; SCF, supraclavicular lymph nodes; IMN, internal mammary nodal; fx, fraction; RPM, real-time position management.