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. 2021 Apr 1;10:100352. doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2021.100352

Table 4.

Random Parameter Logit Evacuation Ridesharing Model Results.

Name Alternative Specific Attributes
Estimate Robust t-test p-value
No Share Driver Only Passenger Only Super Share
ASCNoShare × −0.118 −0.27 0.79
ASCDriverOnly × −3.71 −3.47 0.00
ASCPassengerOnly × −3.09 −2.92 0.00
ASCSuperShare × 0.00
Random coefficient
βTotalPreparedness × × 0.14 2.18 0.03
αTotalPreparedness × −0.29 2.90 0.00
Parameters: Sociodemographics
βBlack × × × 0.95 1.81 0.07
βHighIncome × 0.90 3.31 0.00
βHouseholdChildren × × 0.45 1.78 0.08
βMillennial × 3.01 2.42 0.02
βRepublican × × 1.01 2.97 0.00
βUnder25 × 0.64 1.95 0.05
Parameters: Circumstantial
βCOVIDThreat × × −0.358 −2.46 0.01
βFear × × −0.356 −1.69 0.09
βLocalBorrowing × × 0.29 2.34 0.02
βNeighborSharing × × 0.24 6.09 0.00
βNetworkProximity × 0.19 2.66 0.01
βBlack×Employed × 0.71 1.83 0.07
βBlack ×Female × 1.74 2.98 0.00
βMillennial × Fear × −0.527 −1.97 0.05
βRepublican×Millennial × −1.08 −2.25 0.02
Type of draws Hess-Train
Number of draws (normally distributed) 500
Number of observations 584
Rho-square 0.351
Log likelihood at convergence −525.609