Table 2.
1- Intervention Characteristics | |
R1.1 Policy can be a formidable tool for health promotion R1.2 Potential barriers need to be anticipated and addressed before implementation R1.3 Programme components - standardised, simple, scalable and renewed R1.4 Maintain cost to participant (do not increase) R1.5 Plan for scale up R1.6 Innovative ways of motivating participants not ready to change and ensuring continuity of care for those with intention to change behaviour to minimize false expectations R1.7 Using ongoing research to assist organisations in maintaining fidelity to core principles R1.8 Assess fidelity of delivery | |
2- Inner Setting | |
R2.1 Improvement of efficiency and reliability of the information and communication tools and databases | |
3- Outer Setting | |
R3.1 Need for local support R3.2 Need for policy development R3.3 Needs long-term funding R3.4 Formalised coalition R3.5 Increase media support R3.6 Easier communication to participants R3.7 Improve coordination to avoid duplication R3.8 Need to work in partnership with organisations and agencies working in target groups, especially in hard to recruit groups R3.9 More research focus is needed on fidelity to implementation strategies | |
4- Individual Characteristics | |
R4.1 More attention for stakeholders’ skills and involvement across contexts is recommended to improve self-efficacy | |
5- Processes of Implementation | |
R5.1 Planning with clear steps for implementation R5.2 Collaboration between all aspects of community and setting from start of programme implementation and before programme is introduced. This introduces complexity to the process R5.3 Use of social marketing principles R5.4 Maintain program champion R5.5 Maintain ease of delivery R5.6 Understanding if and how implementation decisions are made and what trade-offs are made at the different levels of the intervention is important for understanding intervention implementation R5.7 Intensity of contact between research team and providers may have contributed to level of adherence |