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. 2021 Sep 7;26(5):196–224. doi: 10.1097/NRL.0000000000000342


Characteristic and COVID-19–Related Data Among COVID-19–Related GBS Cases

References Age (y) Sex Medical History/Comorbidities COVID-19 Symptoms COVID-19 Dx Method COVID-19 Management ICU Required Ventilation Required Time
Alberti et al17 71 M HTNAAA (T)Lung cancer (T) FeverDyspnea RT-PCRNP swab Lopinavir/ritonavirHydroxychloroquine Yes Yes <24 h
Camdessanche et al18 64 M Rotator cuff tear at admission FeverCough RT-PCRNP swab ParacetamolLopinavir/ritonavir Yes Yes 12 d
El Otmani et al19 70 F RA Cough RT-PCROP swab HydroxychloroquineAzithromycin No No NA
Juliao et al25 61 M NR FeverCough RT-PCRNP swab Lopinavir/ritonavirHydroxychloroquine No No NA
Marta-Enguita et al26 76 F None FeverCough RT-PCRSite NR Amoxicillin/clavulanateAzithromycin Yes Yes 4 h
Ottaviani et al15 66 F HTN FeverCoughDorsal rash RT-PCRNP swab Lopinavir/ritonavirHydroxychloroquine Yes Yes NR
Padroni et al16 70 F NR FeverCough RT-PCRNP swab Supportive Yes Yes 4 d
Scheidl et al4 54 F None HypogeusiaHyposmia RT-PCROP swab None No No NA
Sedaghat and Karimi14 65 M DM2 FeverCoughDyspnea RT-PCROP swab Lopinavir/ritonavirHydroxychloroquineAzithromycin No No NA
Zhao et al27 61 F NR FeverCough RT-PCROP swab UmifenovirLopinavir/ritonavir No No NA
Toscano et al28 77 F NR FeverCoughAgeusia RT-PCRNP swab Acetaminophen Yes Yes NR
Toscano et al28 23 M NR FeverPharyngitis RT-PCRNP swab Amoxicillin No No NA
Toscano et al28 55 M NR FeverCough RT-PCRNP swab Azithromycin Yes Yes 2d
Toscano et al28 76 M NR CoughHyposmia RT-PCRNP swab NR No No NA
Toscano et al28 61 M NR CoughAgeusiaAnosmia Serum IgG NA Yes Yes 5 d
Gigli et al23 53 M NR FeverDiarrhea IgM/IgGSerum and CSF NR NR NR NR
Galan et al29 43 M NR URTIDiarrhea RT-PCRSite NR Lopinavir/ritonavirHydroxychloroquineAmoxicillinCorticosteroids No No NA
Virani et al20 54 M Clostridium difficile colitis FeverCoughDyspnea RT-PCRNP swab AmoxicillinCorticosteroidsHydroxychloroquine Yes Yes NR
Coen et al30 70 M None CoughFatigueMyalgia RT-PCRNP swab NR No No NA
Rana et al31 54 M Clostridium difficile colitisHLDRLS FeverRhinorrheaOdynophagia RT-PCRSite NR AmoxicillinCorticosteroidsHydroxychloroquineAzithromycin Yes Yes <24 h
Arnaud et al32 64 M NR CoughDyspneaDiarrheaFever RT-PCRNP swab CefotaximeAzithromycinHydroxychloroquine No No NA
Chan et al33 58 M None None RT-PCROP swab CeftriaxoneAzithromycin No No NA
Molina et al34 55 F Dyslipidemia, active smoking FeverNonproductive coughDyspnea RT-PCRNP swab HydroxychloroquineCeftriaxoneAzithromycin Yes No 2 d
Farzi et al35 41 M DM2 CoughDyspneaFever RT-PCRNP swab Lopinavir/RitonavirHydroxychloroquine No No NA
Helbok et al36 68 M None Dry coughHeadacheFatigueMyalgiaFeverAnosmiaAgeusia Antibody testing Oral methylprednisoloneC-reactive proteinElevated erythrocyte sedimentationPlasma exchange Yes Yes 36 h
Hutchins et al37 21 M HTN, prediabetes, class I obesity FeverCoughDyspneaDiarrheaNauseaHeadacheSinonasal congestion RT-PCRNP/OP swab Plasma exchange No No NA
Lantos et al38 36 M left eye strabismus (asymptomatic for 30 y) FeverChillsMyalgia RT-PCRNP swab Hydroxychloroquine No No NA
Lascano et al39 52 F None Dry coughFeverOdynophagiaArthralgiaDiarrhea IgM/IgG, followed by RT-PCRNP swab None No Yes NA
Lascano et al39 63 F DM2 Dry coughShiveringOdynophagiaBreathing difficultiesChest pain RT-PCRNP swab None No No NA
Lascano et al39 61 F None Productive coughFeverMyalgiaVasovagal syncopeDiarrheaNauseaVomiting RT-PCRNP swab None No No NA
Reyes-Bueno et al40 51 F None DiarrheaOdynophagiaCough IgG Gabapentin No No NA
Su et al41 72 M Coronary artery disease, HTN, alcohol abuse Mild diarrheaAnorexiaChills RT-PCRNP swab Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim Yes Yes 3 d
Webb et al42 57 M HTN and psoriasis CoughHeadacheMyalgiaMalaiseFeverDiarrhea RT-PCRNP swab Co-amoxiclav Yes Yes 3 d
Bigaut et al43 48 M NR CoughAstheniaMyalgia in legsAnosmiaAgeusiaDiarrhea RT-PCRNP swab None No No NA
Bigaut et al43 70 F NR AnosmiaAgeusiaDiarrheaAstheniaMyalgia RT-PCRNP swab None Yes Yes 3 d
Assini et al44 55 M NR AnosmiaAgeusiaFeverCough RT-PCROP swab IdrossichlorochineArbidolRitonavirLopinavir Yes Yes 3 d
Assini et al44 60 M NR FeverCough RT-PCRNP swab HydroxychloroquineAntiretroviral therapyTocilizumab No Yes NA
Bracaglia et al45 66 F None None RT-PCRNP swab RitonavirDarunavirHydroxychloroquine No No NA
Ebrahimzadeh et al46 46 M NR FeverSore throatDry coughDyspnea RT-PCRNP swab Hydroxychloroquine No No NA
Ebrahimzadeh et al46 65 M NR NR RT-PCRNP swab NR No No NA
Chan et al47 68 M NR FeverUpperrespiratory symptoms RT-PCRNP swab Plasmapheresis No No NA
Chan et al47 84 M NR Fever RT-PCRNP swab Plasmapheresis No Yes NA
Sancho-Saldaña et al48 56 F NR FeverDry coughShortness of breath RT-PCRNP swab NR Yes No 5 d
Kilinc et al49 50 M None Dry cough Fecal PCR, serumIgM, IgG None No No NA
Oguz-Akarsu50 53 F None Fever RT-PCRNP swab HydroxychloroquineAzithromycin No No NA
Pfefferkorn et al51 51 M NR FeverFlu-like symptomsFatigueDry cough RT-PCRNP swab Plasma exchange No Yes NA
Hirayama et al52 54 F Asthma CoughFever RT-PCROP swab Betamethasone No No NA
Korem et al53 58 F Cervical spondylosis and disk herniation FeverCoughBack pain NR Azithromycin No No NA
Tiet and AlShaikh54 49 M Sinusitis DyspneaHeadacheCough RT-PCROP swab None Yes No NR
Defabio et al55 70 F Reflex sympathetic dystrophyFibromyalgiaGERDHiatal herniaAsthma FeverDyspneaCough NR NR No No NA
Curtis et al56 8 M None DyspneaCough NR None Yes Yes NR
Gale et al57 58 M HTNHypercholesterolemiaMyocardial infarction Coryzal symptoms RT-PCRTracheal aspirate Dexamethasone Yes Yes 2
Ameer et al58 30s M None FeverCough RT-PCRNP, OP swabs None No No NA
Manganotti et al59 72 M NR FeverDyspneaHyposmiaAgeusia RT-PCRNP swab HydroxychloroquineOseltamivirDarunavirMethylprednisoloneTocilizumab Yes Yes NR
Manganotti et al59 72 M NR FeverCough DyspneaHyposmiaAgeusia RT-PCRNP swab HydroxychloroquineLopinavir-ritonavirMethylprednisolone Yes Yes NR
Manganotti et al59 49 F NR FeverCough DyspneaHyposmiaAgeusia RT-PCRNP swab HydroxychloroquineLopinavir-ritonavirMethylprednisolone NR No NR
Manganotti et al59 94 M NR FeverCoughGI symptoms RT-PCRNP swab Methylprednisolone NR No NR
Manganotti et al59 76 M NR FeverCoughDysuriaHyposmiaAgeusia RT-PCRNP swab HydroxychloroquineOseltamivirDarunavirMethylprednisoloneTocilizumabMeropenamLinezolidClarithromycin, doxycyclineFluconazole Yes Yes NR
McDonnell et al60 54 M DM2Herniated nucleus pulposus at C6-C7, L2-L3, L3-L4, L4-L5 with disk bulges FeverAgeusia NP swab RT-PCR Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg for 4 d Yes No 0
Diez-Porras et al61 54 M HTNObesity Febrile syndromeCoughMyalgia RT-PCRNP swab Azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir Yes Yes NR
Manji et al62 12 M NR FeverCoughRespiratory distressHypoxiaTachycardia RT-PCRNP swab Empiric antibiotic coverage and other treatment modalities as required Yes Yes NR
Bueso et al63 60 F Migraines FeverCoughMyalgiaDysgeusiaDyspnea RT-PCRNP swab AzithromycinHydroxychloroquine No No N/A
Zito et al64 57 M NR DysgeusiaCoughFever Positive serum SARS-CoV-2 IgG NR No No NA
Garnero et al65 65 M NR Pneumonia NR NR NR NR NR
Garnero et al65 73 M NR Pneumonia NR NR NR NR NR
Garnero et al65 55 M NR Pneumonia NR NR NR NR NR
Garnero et al65 46 F NR Diarrhea NR NR NR NR NR
Garnero et al65 60 M NR Pneumonia NR NR NR NR NR
Garnero et al65 63 F NR Pneumonia NR NR NR NR NR
Lowery et al66 45 M DyslipidemiaHTNCrohn disease on adalimumab Sinus congestionCoughDyspnea RT-PCRNP swab 200 mg hydroxychloroquine bid for 5 d Yes Yes 2
Hutchins et al37 21 M HTNPrediabetesObesity FeverCough DyspneaDiarrheaNausea, HeadacheSinonasal congestionDizzinessTachycardia RT-PCRNP and OP swab Supplemental O2 No No NA
Atakla et al67 41 M NR Influenza syndromeDigestive disorderAnosmia Ageusia RT-PCRNP swab Azithromycin Yes Yes NR
Abrams et al68 67 F Breast cancer (T) CoughNausea RT-PCRNP swab NR Yes Yes NR
Agha Abbaslou et al69 55 F Unknown chronic lung disease CoughFeverChillsDyspnea RT-PCRNP swab Hydroxychloroquine (lopinavir/ritonavir) Yes Yes 2
Assini et al70 60 M NR CoughFever RT-PCRNP swab HydroxychloroquineAntiretroviral therapyTocilizumab Yes Yes 3
Assini et al70 55 M NR CoughFeverAnosmiaAgeusia RT-PCRNP swab HydroxychloroquineUmifenovirRitonavirLopinavir Yes Yes 3
Chakraborty and Kumar71 75 M NR Dyspnea RT-PCRNP swab Culture-based antibiotics Yes Yes <1
Garcia-manzanedo et al72 77 M HTNHLDCOPD NR RT-PCRNP swab Hydroxychloroquine lopinavir/ritonavirPiperacillin/tazobactam Yes Yes NR
Liberatoret al73 49 M HTNTesticular seminoma (T) CoughFever RT-PCRNP swab HydroxychloroquineLopinavir/ritonavirCeftriaxone Yes Yes 4
Tard et al74 76 M Isquemic cardiomyopathyAAAHTNHLD CoughAsthenia RT-PCRNP swab NR Yes Yes 1
Dufour et al75 36 F Obesity DyspneaAnosmia RT-PCRNP swab Supportive No No NA
Nanda et al76 55 F DM2HTNCLT FeverAbdominal pain RT-PCRNP swab NR No No NA
Nanda et al76 72 M HTN CoughFever RT-PCRNP swab Supportive Yes Yes NR
Nanda et al76 55 M DM2HTNCKD CoughSore throat RT-PCRNP swab NR No No NA
Nanda et al76 49 M HTN Fever RT-PCRNP swab NR No No NA
Raahimi et al77 46 M HTN NR RT-PCRNP swab Supportive No Yes NR

AAA indicates abdominal aortic aneurysm; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CLT, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COVID-19, Coronavirus Disease 19; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DM2, type 2 diabetes mellitus; Dx, diagnostic; F, female; GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome; GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease; GI, gastrointestinal; HLD, hyperlipidemia; HTN, hypertension; ICU, intensive care unit; M, male; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NA, not applicable; NE, not evocable; NP, nasopharyngeal; NR, not reported; OP, oropharyngeal; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RLS, restless leg syndrome; RT-PCR, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; T, treated; Time, time between hospital admission and ICU admission; URTI, upper respiratory tract infection.