FIG 3.
MR imaging correlates of radiomics phenotypes. Despite overlap in gross image features of MB and ATRT, unique quantitative radiomics features associated with shape and texture emerged as predictive features of ATRT and MB. For example, more heterogeneous features derived from GLCM-based texture or kurtosis-based wider distribution of voxel intensities were indicative of ATRT. Furthermore, more spheric morphology characterized MBs, compared with the more elongated or planar configuration of ATRT. Gross examples of the heterogeneous texture of ATRT are shown, including areas of mixed low and high T2-signal that might be seen with blood products, variations in tissue components, as well as cystic areas. While some ATRT tumors were round, many were quantitatively more elongated compared with the more spheric contour of many MB tumors. Despite the presence of cysts or T2-dark foci that might stem from blood products or vascularity, quantitatively, MB showed more even distribution of voxel intensities.