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. 2021 Sep 6;8(1):e000939. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2021-000939

Table 3.

Accuracy of pulse oximeters in detecting hypoxaemia (prevalence of SaO2 ≤90% is 5.1%)

Pulse oximeter TP/FN FP/TN Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV Accuracy
AFAC FS10D 9/3 46/174 75 (43–95) 79 (73–84) 16 (11–23) 98 (96–99) 79 (73–84)
AGPTEK FS10C 10/2 39/182 83 (52–98) 82 (77–87) 20 (15–27) 99 (96–100) 82 (77–87)
ANAPULSE ANP 100 10/1 79/112 91 (59–100) 59 (51–66) 11 (9–14) 99 (95–100) 60 (53–67)
Cocobear 10/2 63/151 83 (52–98) 71 (64–77) 14 (10–18) 99 (96–100) 71 (65–77)
Contec CMS50D1 7/5 16/200 58 (28–85) 93 (88–96) 30 (18–46) 98 (95–99) 91 (86–94)
HYLOGY MD-H37 11/1 51/169 92 (62–100) 77 (71–82) 18 (14–22) 99 (96–100) 78 (72–83)
Mommed YM101 9/3 31/186 75 (43–95) 86 (80–90) 23 (15–32) 98 (96–99) 85 (80–89)
PRCMISEMED F4 PRO 8/4 39/182 67 (35–90) 82 (77–87) 17 (11–25) 98 (95–99) 82 (76–86)
PULOX-PO-200 9/3 30/189 75 (43–95) 86 (81–91) 23 (16–32) 98 (96–99) 86 (81–90)
Zacurate Pro Series 500 DL 8/2 19/183 80 (44–97) 91 (86–94) 30 (20–42) 99 (96–100) 90 (85–94)

The values for PPV, NPV and accuracy are dependent on disease prevalence.

FN, false negative; FP, false positive; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value; TN, true negative; TP, true positive.