Suppression of MT-enhanced hyperactivation by CatSper inhibitors. Percentages of motility (A, C, E, and G) and hyperactivation (B, D, F, and H) were determined after sperm were
cultured for 4 h with 10 pM MT and inhibitors such as 3 μM HC (A and B), 10 μM HC (C and D), 30 and 40 μM Mib (E and F), and 10 and 20 μM NNC (G and H). Data represent the mean ±
standard deviation (SD). (A and B) (Vehicle) medium with 0.1% (v/v) ethanol and 0.1% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide as vehicle; (MT) medium with 10 pM MT and vehicle; (3 µM HC) medium with 3
µM HC and vehicle; (MT + 3 µM HC) medium with 10 pM MT, 3 µM HC, and vehicle. (C and D) (Vehicle) same as above; (MT) medium with 10 pM MT and vehicle; (10 µM HC) medium with 10 µM HC
and vehicle; (MT + 10 µM HC) medium with 10 pM MT, 10 µM HC, and vehicle. (E and F) (Vehicle) same as above; (MT) medium with 10 pM MT and vehicle; (30 µM Mib) medium with 30 µM Mib
and vehicle; (MT + 30 µM Mib) medium with 10 pM MT, 30 µM Mib, and vehicle; (40 µM Mib) medium with 40 µM Mib and vehicle; (MT + 40 µM Mib) medium with 10 pM MT, 40 µM Mib, and
vehicle. (G and H) (Vehicle) same as above; (MT) medium with 10 pM MT and vehicle; (10 µM NNC) medium with 10 µM NNC and vehicle; (MT + 10 µM NNC) medium with 10 pM MT, 10 µM NNC, and
vehicle; (20 µM NNC) medium with 20 µM NNC and vehicle; (MT + 20 µM NNC) medium with 10 pM MT, 20 µM NNC, and vehicle. * indicates significant differences compared with “Vehicle,”
“inhibitors,” and “MT + inhibitors” (P < 0.05). ** indicates significant differences compared with “Vehicle,” “MT,” and “MT + inhibitors” (P < 0.05). # indicates significant
differences compared with “Vehicle” and “inhibitors” (P < 0.05). ## indicates significant differences compared with “inhibitors” and “MT + inhibitors” (P < 0.05). $ indicates
significant differences compared with “Vehicle” and “MT” (P < 0.05). MT, 5-methoxytryptamine; HC, 2,4-dithenoyl-1,2,5-oxadiazone n2-oxide; Mib, mibefradil.