13C chemical shift RMSD map comparing chitin structure. Data were compared between the observed 45 chitin forms in nine fungal cell walls (x-axis) and the three crystalline forms reported by literature (y-axis). Data from six fungal species were shown, including three species of Ascomycetes (A. fumigatus, A nidulans and A. sydowii), a sample from Zygomycetes (R. delemar), and two Ascomycetes yeast species (C. albicans and C. auris). Most chitin types showed similarity to α-chitin form. The color scale is shown, with units of ppm. Good correlation with RMSD less than 0.5 ppm (within NMR linewidth) are in dark blue. The forms with certain ambiguous carbon sites are labeled in italics and grey. The chemical shift values used for the analysis are provided in Supplementary Tables S2, S3.