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. 2021 Aug 25;8:732105. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.732105

Table 2.

Kruskal-Wallis tests describing differences in appeal of duties of shelter medicine between current, previous and non-shelter veterinarians.

Current shelter veterinarians Previous shelter veterinarians Non-shelter veterinarians X2 P value
Median (IQR) Mean rank Median (IQR) Mean rank Median (IQR) Mean rank
Spay/neuter 5 (4–5) 142.29 5 (4–5) 134.64 4 (2–5) 91.39 32.93 <0.001
Pediatric spay/neuter 5 (4–5) 150.13 4 (3–5) 131.50 3 (2–4) 89.20 40.89 <0.001
Other surgery 5 (4–5) 134.67 4 (3–5) 125.99 4 (2–4) 97.03 16.65 <0.001
Population management 4 (3–5) 144.37 4 (3–5) 112.32 3 (2–4) 97.26 21.36 <0.001
Humane euthanasia 3 (3–3) 131.11 3 (2–3) 108.63 2 (1–3) 103.27 8.57 0.01
Euthanasia decisions 3 (3–3) 130.24 3 (2–3) 110.81 2 (1–3) 103.36 7.24 0.03
Administrative responsibilities 3 (2–4) 130.24 3 (1–4) 113.32 2 (1.75–3) 102.61 7.46 0.02
Physical exams 4 (4–5) 119.03 4 (3–5) 118.27 4 (3–4.25) 105.61 2.54 0.28
Treatment decisions 4.5 (4–5) 124.42 4 (4–5) 121.41 4 (4–5) 102.51 6.56 0.04
Adopt–ability decisions 4 (3–4) 124.63 3 (3–4) 117.05 3 (2–4) 103.73 4.71 0.10
Behavior evaluations 4 (3–4) 126.97 3 (3–4) 110.99 3 (2–4) 104.62 4.87 0.09
Developing health care policies and/or SOPs 4 (3.25–5) 134.89 4 (3–5) 127.15 3.5 (2–4) 96.60 17.52 <0.001
On call for emergencies 2 (1–3) 124.88 2 (1–3) 122.82 1 (1–2) 101.91 8.04 0.02
Working on weekends 1 (1–2) 112.63 1 (1–2) 112.05 1 (1–2) 110.03 0.09 0.96
Forensics/cruelty investigations 3.5 (2.25–4) 135.91 3 (2–4) 116.94 2 (1–4) 99.25 13.34 0.001
Testifying in court 3 (2–4) 127.52 3 (1–4) 116.24 2 (1–4) 102.82 6.30 0.04
In house laboratory procedures 4 (3–4) 106.85 3 (3–4) 109.92 4 (3–4) 112.98 0.39 0.82
Development/fund raising 3 (2–3) 107.68 3 (2–4) 118.58 3 (1–4) 110.05 0.76 0.68
Humane education 4 (3–4) 99.88 4 (3–4) 104.41 4 (3–5) 117.42 3.64 0.16
Community education 4 (3–4) 97.59 4 (3–5) 107.77 4 (4–5) 117.33 4.18 0.12
Outreach clinics 4 (3.25–5) 107.64 5 (3–5) 125.24 4 (4–5) 108.07 2.67 0.26
Access-to-care clinics 4 (3–5) 109.09 4 (3–5) 121.67 4 (3–5) 108.57 1.46 0.48
Developing emergency preparedness plans 3.5 (3–4) 110.44 3 (3–4) 115.69 3.5 (2.75–4) 109.82 0.28 0.87
Staff training 4 (3–4) 124.53 4 (3–4) 117.41 4 (3–4) 103.67 4.89 0.09
Staff supervision 3 (2–4) 113.91 3 (2–4) 117.03 3 (2–4) 108.03 0.78 0.68

Possible range from 1 (very unappealing) to 5 (very appealing).

Bold text indicates there was a statistically significant difference based on Kruskal-Wallis H test and post-hoc pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni correction.