Figure 1. Representative MRI of Paramagnetic Rim Lesion (PRL) 0–1 and PRLs ≥2 in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Respective Serum Neurofilament Light Chain (sNfL) Percentiles.
Axial 3T T2*-weighted magnitude and phase MRI of (A) a patient with PRLs ≥2 (relapsing-remitting MS, 40 years old, male; 12 PRLs) with high sNfL (98th percentile) and (B) a patient with PRL 0–1 (secondary progressive MS, 64 years old, male; 0 PRLs) with low sNfL (3rd percentile). PRLs are visible in A (arrowheads) but not B (arrows). Insets show magnified views. C, Age-adjusted sNfL percentiles for patients with PRL 0–1 or PRLs ≥2 (A, B, crosses) and for the 118 patients with MS included in the study (dots). Colored lines represent the percentile levels.