Table 1.
Brooklyn Hospital Center | Cleveland Clinic** | Cooper Health System | Emory University |
Geisinger Medical Center | Mayo Clinic Jacksonville | Mayo Clinic Phoenix | Mayo Clinic Rochester |
MD Anderson Cancer Center | Medstar Washington Hospital | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | Mercy Hospital |
Montefiore Medical Center | Mount Sinai Medical Center | National Institutes of Health Clinical Center | Ohio State University |
St. Michaels Hospital Toronto, Canada | Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center Toronto, Canada | The Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, Canada | UH Cleveland Medical Center |
UMass Memorial Medical Center | University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada | University of Calgary Canada | University of Maryland |
University of Minnesota | University of Mississippi | University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center | University of Pittsburgh |
University of Southern California | Virginia Commonwealth University |
All of the CCOs that were invited to participate in the survey are presented in italic font.
The Cleveland Clinic has 2 CCOs.