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. 2021 Sep 8;7(1):e12207. doi: 10.1002/trc2.12207


Sub‐set of THBP cognitive test battery19 assessed in this study

Label Instrument Cognitive function/s assessed
BNT Boston Naming Test Verbal confrontation naming; language fluency
COWAT Controlled Oral Word Association Test Letter verbal fluency; verbal executive function
LM I & II Logical Memory I & II Immediate and delayed recall of verbal prose passages; verbal episodic memory
PAL ftm Paired Associates Learning (first trial memory score) Immediate recall of visual information; visual episodic memory
PAL te6 Paired Associates Learning (total errors, six shapes) Recall of visual information on six shapes trial; visual episodic memory recall
RAVLT rcl Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (recall) Immediate recall of verbal word lists; verbal episodic memory recall
RAVLT tot Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (total) Learning of verbal word lists; verbal episodic learning capacity
RCFT Rey Complex Figure Test Immediate recall of complex geometric design; visual episodic memory recall
RVP‐A Rapid Visual Information Processing (A) Visual sustained attention and signal detection sensitivity; visual executive function
SSP length Spatial span (length) Visual immediate memory span; visual short‐term memory capacity
STROOP C time Stroop color (time) Verbal information processing speed and impulse control; executive function
SWM be Spatial working memory Visual working memory capacity
TMT‐B Trail Making Test (B) Visuo‐motor information processing speed; executive function
WAIS comp Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 3rd edition (comprehension subtest) Capacity to use language to express ideas and understand verbal communication; language capacity
WAIS ds Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 3rd edition (digit span subtest) Verbal immediate memory span; verbal short‐term memory capacity
WAIS lns Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 3rd edition (letter‐number sequence subtest) Verbal working memory capacity
WAIS voc Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 3rd edition (vocabulary subtest) Word recognition and capacity to define words; language capacity