Fig. 6.
Serum peptidomics heatmap. MWCNT-induced peptide serum profile changes assessed via Mass Spectrometry. MWCNT exposure increased total serum peptide composition in a differential dose-dependent manner. Left panel: Serum peptide changes resulting from MWCNT exposure. Blue box: Serum peptide composition induced exclusively by high dose (40 µg) MWCNT exposure; Red box: Serum peptide composition induced by exclusively low dose (10 µg) MWCNT exposure; Purple box: Serum peptide composition induced by both low and high dose MWCNT exposure. Right panel: Serum peptide profile generated by MWCNT and Marimastat exposure. MWCNT-induced serum peptide changes were abrogated by broad spectrum MMP inhibitor, Marimastat. These findings indicate an MMP-mediated mechanism of action for MWCNT in generating lung-derived serum bioactivity. N = 5 per group