Hajizadeh 2020a.
Study name | A RCT into a Telehealth Delivered Pulmonary Rehabilitation (TelePR) programme for Hispanic and African Patients hospitalized for COPD exacerbations |
Methods | Single‐cent r e RCT with 8 weeks ' and 6 months ' follow‐up Aim: to test whether a referral to TelePRversus SPR resulted in decreased 6‐month re ‐ admission among Hispanic or African American patients hospitalised for COPD exacerbation |
Participants | People with moderate COPD, African‐American/Hispanic, Spanish/English fluency, who are able to follow basic exercise instructions and use a stationary bike Important exclusion criteria are completion of pulmonary rehabilitation within the last year and weight < 300 lb |
Interventions | Telehealth pulmonary rehabilitation, twice/week for 8 weeks Exercise bikes are equipped with software enabling respiratory therapist to remotely conduct pulmonary rehabilitation session with a patient while the patient is at home. Vital signs are continually monitored, and the RT is able to alert 911 (emergency services) if patient is in distress. Educational videos and stretches are also incorporated |
Outcomes | Re ‐ hospitalisation following exacerbation of COPD, 2‐minute s tep test, CAT, mMRC, Bristol COPD Knowledge Questionnaire, depression, patient adherence, acceptability |
Starting date | Starting date: April 2017; estimated completion date: November 2020 |
Contact information | Prof Negin Hajizadeh; Nhajizadeh@northwell.edu |
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