Figure 1: anti-CD3 F(ab’)2 Fragment treatment results in depletion of T cells in the blood and spleen.
Blood (100 μL) from young isotype (n = 10), young anti-CD3 (n = 10), old isotype (n = 9), old anti-CD3 mice (n = 10) mice was directly stained. Spleens from young isotype (n = 11-14), young anti-CD3 (n = 8-11), old isotype (n = 15-17), old anti-CD3 mice (n = 18-19) were enzymatically digested and passed through a cell strainer and then stained for CD45 (total leukocytes), CD3 (pan T cells), CD4 and CD8. Percentages of CD3+ cells and CD4-to-CD8 ratio in (A) blood and (B) spleen were assessed by flow cytometry. A two-way ANOVA was employed to assess the effects of age and anti-CD3 treatment, p values for age, treatment and the age x treatment interaction are inset on each panel. Data are shown as mean ± standard deviation, n represents the number of independent animals in each group.