Fig 2.
Association of IHGs at presentation (baseline) with hospitalization status and reconstitution of IHG during convalescence in the COVID-19 cohort. A,Top: IHG prevalence at baseline by hospitalized (H) and nonhospitalized (NH) status and age strata. Bottom: OR with 95% CI for having IHG-I or IHG-II at baseline by hospitalization status. Percent hospitalized shown by age strata. B, Paired IHG distributions at baseline and during convalescence among 206 COVID-19 survivors overall and stratified by age. C, Distribution of IHG subgrades (as in Fig 1, B) in HIV-seronegative persons in the COVID-19 cohort categorized as hospitalized (H) and nonhospitalized (NH). D, Distribution of IHGs reconstituted during convalescence by baseline IHG status. E, The probability (with 95% confidence bands) of hospitalization according to age and baseline IHG. Overall IHG-IV was used in this model because all patients with IHG-IVc were hospitalized and numbers of patients in the other IHG-IV subgrades were small. †P = .07. ∗P < .05. ∗∗P < .01. ∗∗∗P < .001.