NE Enhances Excitatory Inputs to PVT Neurons
(A) A representative neuron shows the effect of NE (5 μM) on spontaneous EPSCs of PVT neurons.
(B–E) Statistical comparison of the frequency (B), amplitude (C), half-width (D) of spontaneous EPSCs and holding currents (E) after application of 5 μM NE. Two-tailed paired t test, ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, n = 30 neurons.
(F) A representative neuron shows the effect of NE (5 μM) on spontaneous IPSCs of PVT neurons.
(G–J) Statistical comparison of the frequency (G), amplitude (H), half-width (I) of spontaneous IPSCs and holding currents (J) after application of 5 μM NE, n = 11 neurons. Data are represented as mean ± SEM.