Figure 2.
MCU KO hearts are protected from CaMKII activation caused by HFD and have fewer sparks and fewer spontaneous contractions. (A) Immunoblots of phospho-CaMKII, oxy-CaMKII, and total CaMKII from heart lysates. (B) Graph of immunoblots phospho-CaMKII corrected for total CaMKII. (C) Representative images of calcium sparks. (D) Graph of quantification of calcium sparks, n = 12–20 cardiomyocytes from 3 isolations, *indicates significantly different by post-hoc test. KN93 is a CamKII inhibitor, 0.5 µM. (E) Graph of quantification of spontaneous beats following pacing in cardiomyocytes. (F) Representative images of single cell contractility and spontaneous beats following pacing. (G) Representative images of oxidized RyR2, measured by DNP modification, phosphorylated RyR2 (ser2814) and total RyR2. (H) Graphs of quantification of oxidized RyR2 and P-RyR2 (normalized to total RyR2), both are sig different by ANOVA, *Indicates significantly different from control chow by post-hoc test.