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. 2021 Sep 9;16:384. doi: 10.1186/s13023-021-01998-9

Table 3.

Multiple mediator models predicting parental mental health in mothers (n = 107) and fathers (n = 97)

Mediation Models FAM (M1) OSSS (M2) IFS (M3) BSI GSI (Y)
b SE p b SE p b SE p b SE p
Mothers (n = 107)
 Stressor pile-up (X) a1 0.924 0.447 .041 a2 − 0.338 0.136 .014 a3 0.119 0.025  < .001 c’ 0.021 0.028 .449
 FAM (M1) - - - - - - - - - b1 0.028 0.006  < .001
 OSSS (M2) - - - - - - - - - b2 − 0.053 0.018 .004
 IFS (M3) - - - - - - - - - b3 0.214 0.098 .031
 Constant iM1 21.686 1.511  < .001 iM2 11.321 0.460  < .001 iM3 1.754 0.083  < .001 iY − 0.170 0.314 .588
R2 = .039 R2 = .056 R2 = .184 R2 = .379
F(1,105) = 4.283, p = .041 F(1,105) = 6.188, p = .014 F(1,105) = 23.685, p < .001 F(4,102) = 15.569, p < .001
Fathers (n = 97)
 Stressor pile-up (X) a1 0.957 0.474  < .001 a2 -0.167 0.107 .124 a3 0.092 0.022  < .001 c’ 0.032 0.018 .086
 FAM (M1) - - - - - - - - - b1 0.012 0.004 .003
 OSSS (M2) - - - - - - - - - b2 − 0.017 0.017 .328
 IFS (M3) - - - - - - - - - b3 0.116 0.078 .140
 Constant iM1 21.727 1.614 .046 iM2 10.813 0.367  < .001 iM3 1.827 0.074  < .001 iY − 0.189 0.293 .519
R2 = .041 R2 = .025 R2 = .158 R2 = .237
F(1,95) = 4.081, p = .046 F(1,95) = 2.415, p = .124 F(1,95) = 17.865, p < .001 F(4,92) = 7.149, p < .001

DV: dependent variable, b: unstandardized regression coefficient, SE: standard error, 95%-CI: 95% confidence interval. FAM: Family Assessment Measure, OSSS: Oslo Social Support Scale, IFS: Impact on Family Scale, BSI GSI: Brief Symptom Inventory Global Severity Index