Isolation Test |
Activity |
Walking, running, or jumping |
Activity start |
Time the piglet starts walking after being placed in the pen |
Investigation |
Piglet’s nose oriented at the floor or walls with the appearance of sniffing or rooting |
Resting |
Lying or sitting |
Escape attempt |
Jumping or climbing against pen wall |
Human Approach |
Contact |
Any physical contact the piglet makes with the human, mostly sniffing |
Social Challenge |
Activity start |
Time the piglet starts walking after being placed in the pen |
Social contact |
Sniffing the penmate either head-on or along the body with piglet nose in contact with penmate |
Nudge |
Using its snout to push the penmate |
Agonistic encounters |
Biting, head tossing, mounting, and shoving the penmate |
Duration in proximity |
Being within one body length of the penmate |
Comingling |
Active |
Physically mobile: standing, walking, or running that does not involve aggressive interactions |
Inactive |
Physically immobile, without activity |
Aggressive interaction |
Engaging in agnostic interaction-pushing, biting, and/or head-knocking with another piglet |
Nursing |
Mouth on teat |