(A) Cross-sectional BF-TEM micrograph of the Ag:PBG-PVD/Ti thin film (thickness of ~46 nm); (B) Cross-sectional BF-STEM image of the Ag:PBG-PVD/Ti specimen accompanied by EDXS elemental distribution maps of Ag, Ca, and Ti. (C,D) Cross-sectional FE-SEM representative images of the Ga-PBG-PVD/Si coating at a thickness of (C) ≈400 and (D) ≈1400 nm. (E) HR-TEM micrograph of an Ag:PBG-PVD/Ti thin film FIB lamella, highlighting the even dispersion of Ag nano-crystals within an amorphous PBG matrix. (F) HR-TEM image of a single silver nano-crystal, where (G) illustrates the accompanying FFT of the region marked in (F). The FFT presented in (G) indexes to Ag [0 –1 1].