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. 2021 Sep 8;78(11):1–8. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.2488

Table 2. Group × Time Interactions for Primary and Secondary Study Outcomes.

Measure B (SD)a df t Value P value
EPDS score −2.94 (8.67) 375.46 −6.57 <.001b
GAD-7 score −2.86 (9.45) 368.70 −5.80 <.001b
SPS score 2.32 (15.32) 311.61 2.68 .008b
PBQ-IB score −1.23 (10.84) 360.96 −2.16 .03b
PBQ-RPA score −0.76 (7.54) 358.02 −1.91 .06
PBQ-IFA score −1.10 (5.03) 362.69 −4.19 <.001b
IBQ-R-PA/SUR score 0.55 (2.05) 349.38 4.97 <.001b
IBQ-R-NA score 0.33 (2.19) 359.69 2.82 .005b,c
IBQ-R-ORC score 0.12 (1.42) 343.68 1.58 .12

Abbreviations: EPDS, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; GAD-7, 7-item General Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire; IB, impaired bonding; IBQ-R, Infant Behavior Questionnaire–Revised Very Short Form; IFA, infant-focused anxiety; NA, negative emotionality; ORC, orienting/regulatory capacity; PA/SUR, positive affectivity/surgency; PBQ, Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire; RPA, rejection and pathological anger; SPS, Social Provisions Scale.


Analyses were conducted using linear mixed models controlling for workshop facilitator as a fixed effect.


Statistically significant (P < .05) mean difference.


Control group participants reported a significant change in IBQ-R-NA scores over time, whereas experimental participants did not (time βs stratified by group reported in text).