Phenotype of a kin28T162A strain. (A) kin28Δ cells containing a URA3-marked wild-type (WT) KIN28 plasmid (pJK1) and TRP1-marked plasmids containing either KIN28 (pGK13), kin28T162A (pGK36), kin28-ts16 (pGK33), kin28D147N (pMS454), or kin28-tsT162A (pJK25) were plated on FOA-containing plates to select for loss of the URA3 marked plasmid. (B) kin28Δ cells containing KIN28 (YJK1869, YJK1767, and YJK1768) or kin28T162A (YJK1870, YJK1755, and YJK1756) and either an empty vector (YCplac22), kin28D147N on a low-copy-number plasmid (pMS454), or kin28D147N on a high-copy-number plasmid (pMS456) were plated on CM-Trp and grown at 37°C.